Prof. Albrecht Von Taggërt tells us of his most marvellous monoggle project:


The PAVT Ind. IORA (Interchangeable Ocular Replacement Apparatus) monogoggle was developed for soldiers who had lost the use of their vision in one eye thus making them inefficient on the battle field. Upon further experimentation it was noted that the wearers began having faster than normal reflexes, thus it was further developed to accommodate more lenses. 

Each new lens had it’s own purpose, such as the tracking lens, personal defense lens, and precision lens. Powered by a micro pressure steam cylinder the unit can run for about 8 hours before a recharge is needed. A hookup to a larger power source is in the works. The full kit comes with 3 additional lenses, tool kit and cleaning /oiling solutions.


p style=”text-align: center;”>Toolkit 


p style=”text-align: center;”> Steam Cylinder


p style=”text-align: center;”>Case 


p style=”text-align: center;”> In Presentation

I jumped in with both feet as this is my first ever Steampunk themed project, it was a great learning experience! Build thread here: