Designs by Victoria

Posted by on October 6th,2008

Here is one umbrella that should grace every steampunk lady adventurer or aristocrat out to face the elements. Apparently, it was in rather sad shape when its creator found it, “tucked away in a corner in an antique shop.” As she relates in a post at her livejournal, she repaired the fabric and decorated it with over seventeen yards of a mixture of gold and black braids and trims. Now, it makes for a lovely piece of accessory, and if you’ve fallen truly in love with it, you can buy it online!

The creator in question is a lady who goes by the name of “Victoria”. She maintains a Website as well as an Online Shop at Etsy, both under the name, “Designs by Victoria”. Here are two further selections from her extended collection.

This “Steampunk Necklace” is also For Sale; strung with brass wire and chain, and accented with chunks of faceted citrine, it measures just under 20” in length and fastens with a toggle clasp. “Hold down the hands of this vintage watch mechanism while you wind it,” recommends Miss “Victoria”, “then watch it expend all its stored energy in a single burst, flying through hours in mere seconds, reminding us that precious moments always pass too quickly.”

This lovely hat was created for an “Airship Pilots and Pirates” contest over at Etsy, made of burgundy wool and embellished with a metallic cord of matte gold and metallic burgundy threads. The brim is finished with a vintage ribbon, striped gold and burgundy, edged with satin braid above and beneath. The right side is pinned back with a spray of lustrous black feathers, secured by an extravagance of translucent material framed in brass flowers.

Supposedly, this hat formerly belonged to the owner of a merchant dirigible. “She had extensive contacts and trade routes,” writes Miss “Victoria”, “and over time became rather well-off, and indulged herself in several extravagances. This hat was her most favoured treasure, and she became quite well recognised in her travels because of it.”