Gothic Glow lights - Steampunk/Gothic variants on the Mad Scientist Light from Instructables

Mr Berman saw the wonderful ‘mad scientist lights’ that people had been making – but was saddened that there weren’t brass and wood ones available – so he made one for himself!  And then his friends wanted some, and then other friends of friends and eventually he decided to make them available to others, online at Gothic Glow.  As he’s a one gentleman operation, numbers are limited but if your hand does not, or will not turn to making one of these yourself, perhaps you’d prefer to buy one from him.  They come in several sizes, and while the ones on his site come with skull knobs, there’s always the possibility that if you prefer your light skullless, then he may provide an alternative (I think replacing them with a small quartz knob would be rather nice, but you’d be best doing that yourself).

Lovely illuminators, and a nice option for those not quite ready to try making their own!  (Though, I always recommend having a go yourself at making Steampunk objects – if only for the experience!)