Steam Powered Iron Man Suit

Posted by on January 13th,2008

Steam Powered Iron Man from the recent Iron Man #8

The character Iron Man, from the Marvel Comics universe, has usually been more of a pulp or dieselpunk sort of gentleman – with the upcoming film showing various versions of the powered suit that gives this hero his name – and set usually during the 1960’s to the 1970’s and onwards.  The tale of a playboy scientist who is captured and forced to construct weapons against his will, he creates a phenomenally powerful suit.  However, Mr Hayden recently let me know that issue #8 of Marvel Adventures Iron Man, has the man of the title isolated in a community using only 19th Century technology – and must use that which is available to him to construct a suit capable of defeating his foe!

Thus, the steam powered (and nicely Steampunk) suit you can see above.  With pipes and furnaces, Iron Man won’t be moving anywhere quickly, but it certainly looks solid enough to withstand quite a battle.  Of course, while the upcoming film is set in the wrong era, the first Iron Man suit has a very nice prototype feel to it that I think Steampunk fans will appreciate – especially when lifesized.  (Thank you, Spoonman!)  An excellent find, Mr Hayden.