Worlds of Ultima: Martian Dreams intro screenshot

Mr Wayne D. wrote to point out a rather lovely sounding game called Worlds Of Ultima: Martian Dreams.  Though not set in the Brittania universe, this was part of an alternative Ultima series.  This one saw you travel back in time to 1893 to the Chicago World Fair, where you are unexpectedly launched into space and to Mars on a rocket packed with some of the most famous people of the era (including our favourite, Mr Tesla).  What follows is a Steampunk adventure of excellent pedigree with mysteries, challenges, and a character creation system that has you psychoanalysed by Freud.

Lots more information at Moby Games (and did you know they have a Steampunk games category at Moby?  I didn’t until today) and apparently the game is now so old it appears on abandonware sites.  I’ve not tried to get it to run myself yet, but I intend to try.  Thank you so much, Mr D!