Journey to the Moon

Mr J Esquire was quite surprised that I’d let this shining example of a Steampunk game slip past me – but I am very glad that he’s pointed it out!  It’s by the same people as did “Return to the Mysterious Island” and is called “Journey to the Moon” (beware, musical site).  It’s an adventure game, and it starts off with a similar tale to that woven by Jules Verne – a grand journey to the moon in a bullet like projectile!  In Mr Verne’s original, they didn’t quite make it, but in the game, the surface is reached, and the inhabitants strange and mysterious.  Getting there is only half the problem though – it is getting back, that is the trick!

There’s a demo to be downloaded, and if I have time I fully intend to have a go – Mr Esquire speaks kindly of it.  I’m particularly interested in the selenites ideograms, and the horticultural experimentation side (no, really!).  It is a shame that I’m historically quite poor at these sorts of games, though.  Maybe this will be different!  One last warning – the site has a very strange “Harrumph!” sound when you click on the main character – it made me feel uneasy.