Le Grand Cirque – Steampunk War-Racing!

Posted by on February 9th,2007
Le Grand Cirque racing game

Via the “Yours In A White Wine Sauce” blog (which is perfectly wonderful for Victorian Science Fiction wargaming) I read about Le Grand Cirque – a tabletop game of eccentric racing and national pride in a Steampunk setting.  The idea is that the countries of Europe (though I’m sure the USA and others can jump in at a moments notice) decide to settle disputes not through bloodcurdling warfare, but through gentlemanly races.  Except, the conveyances used range from pedal powered velocipedes, to steam powered traction engines to demons summoned via terrible ancient rituals, slithering along and gurgling terribly.

Now, I’ve not run the game personally, but I’ve had a look at the printouts and a glance at the .txt rules and it looks like a good evening’s game!  And any game where if you’re a cad three times then you’re disqualified, has to be on the right tracks.