At The Earth's Core

The second DVD I watched from the set, and I’m ready for a trip to a mysterious land beneath the surface of Victorian era soil. The film starts off promisingly – we’ve got a very handsome (and not at all small) drill based digging machine in the background and nicely dressed well wishers are toasting the two intrepid adventurers – Doug McClure’s wealthy American and his scatterbrained ex-lecturer Peter Cushing. The digging machine (yes, I have a thing about the ‘machines’ of Steampunk films – you noticed?) is very nicely made – the interior is resplendant in leather chairs and valves and assorted nice Steampunk fittings. Once the film gets going, however, we all too quickly leave the digging machine and we’re being chased by men in rubber suits through plastic forests. Now, there are several websites out there that I’m sure do a very brisk trade in rubber suits, but it’s not what I was expecting – these ‘dinosaurs’ are a little too comedy, even for me. :) They seemed to have figured out how to do a particular special effect – where the actors act in front of a screen with dirt in front of it, and react to the monsters that are later projected. It’s their new toy – you can tell ;)

But enough of that – the story is as cheesy as you’d imagine – but it is the characters I must mention. Peter Cushing’s scientist is woefully overacted (even by my standards) – he prances as if beleagured by ants in uncomfortable places, and is clumsier than a cat with boots on. I still wanted to like him – he’s still a Victorian genius, and the moment when he spontaneously invents archery made me chuckle. But then there’s Doug – Doug getting into fights, doing that smile of his and getting the girl. I’ve seen it before. He’s starting to grate on my nerves.

Verdict: Once again, a very nice mechanical device (the drilling digger) let down by the rest of the film. Watch only if feeling in an MST3K mood, if you know what I mean.

Steampunk Score: 4/10