Covert Front, Episode 1 - Late Steampunk Mystery

Over at Neatorama, they just posted about a new Flash based adventure point and click game set in 1904 called Covert Front.  This, episode one, seems to tell the tale of Europe at war, and several important scientists gone missing – you, a beautiful and mysterious agent are sent to investigate another important man who has gone missing in the last few days.

So far (and I’m generally quite terrible at these games) I’ve encountered curious steam boilers, secret rooms, mysterious technology and suspicious manservants.  It’s a very stylish game, and just how Steampunk it is (although set very slightly late – some definite Pulp elements) I cannot say without getting further.  Alas, I am stuck at the moment.

Do let me know how you get on, and if you can figure out how to light that darned lamp!