Sleepytime Gorilla Museum – Band

Posted by on March 13th,2007

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

Well now, Ms Yayanos is a quite the fan and friend of the music group Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and wrote to inform me that they’re on tour at the moment. The above image, as well as this one here, are apparently stills from their recent music video shoot, and they’ve got quite a lovely Victorian visual style working for them in these! However, they seem to do a little of quite a few things, and the review that Ms Yayanos sent me said that they were “equal parts punk, prog rock and opera” – but the few track snippets I listened to on their official site came across to my inexperienced ears as quite unusually tempo’ed industrial.

Not my thing (yes, I’m still looking) but again – music being so subjective, I’m sure some people here will find them quite enchanting!  Thank you, Ms Yayanos – your affection for this distinctive group of musicians is very heartwarming.  grins