Steampunk Casemod Mockup

Now goodness me if that isn’t a mouthful. While the Telecalculograph is possibly my favourite Steampunk PC tower-case mod so far, and the Japanese Steampunk laptop is my favourite laptop based casemod, this casemod by Datamancer most certainly has a great many things going for it! The… well, the…. I’m going to call it the Dynamotronic for short, if you don’t mind, is seen above in a partially completed mockup form, with flat monitor, case (with porthole-fronted DVD drive) and typewriter keyboard in place.

I must thank the generous link submitter, Carrie, for sending the link in – for while the link was originally for a Steampunk cog necklace (which is delightful!) I stumbled across the casemod on the same page too. Though personally, I’d have trumped for a brass chain, instead of a silvered one. chuckles